What is stopping you from saying YES?

January 19th 2013

What is stopping you from saying YES?

Who would say NO to better health?
Who would say NO to a better body?
Who would say NO to more income?
Who would say NO to a better, more inspired life?
No one does it on purpose yet I hear NO all the time.

Say Yes to Life

Say Yes to Life

So many times I’ve had conversations with people who want a better life, want more money, want change, want a better relationship, a better job or better health. We have a great conversation and determine their WHY.
What is a why? A why could be anything for anyone but it has to be strong enough to make you want to take action.

Whys I’ve heard:
•I want to lose 30 pounds so I can conceive a child.
•I want to get off of cholesterol medication.
•I just found out I’m pre-diabetic. My doctor is giving me 90 days to lose weight or he will put me on medication.
•My family member just died of heart disease and I don’t want to leave my kids by dying early.
•I’m going to my high school reunion and don’t want to walk in feeling bad about myself.
•I’m invited to a beach wedding this summer and I have to lose as much weight as possible before July.
•I’m having trouble sleeping and I don’t have any energy anymore. I’m tired of being sick and tired.
•I hate my job and I’m miserable. I want to create a plan B and get out of there.
•I want to be able to drop my kids off at school and pick them up.
•I want to make a difference in the world and help people.
•I’m tired of living in my own little bubble of life and I’m ready to inspire others.
•I cry every time I open my closet and I don’t want to buy bigger clothes anymore.
•I’m really into health and fitness and want to help others but I’m not sure how.
•I’m tired of not being around for my kids and I’d like to have more time with them.

I could go on and on with reasons why people want to become a customer or a coach. They want to improve their life or the lives of those around them. We talk online, on the phone or in person and make a connection. They know it sounds awesome and the next best step to make. Yet it doesn’t happen. They say in their box, their bubble, or their comfort zone. The pain of staying the same is not great enough for them to want to change.

They say no. I’ve heard many excuses and reasons for no or delay.
•I need to talk to my spouse.
•I’m really busy right now.
•I don’t have any money right now.
•I’ll get back with you next week. I haven’t had chance to look at things yet.
•I don’t like the way Shakeology tastes.
•I think this is a scam.
•I don’t like MLMs or network marketing.
•I’m not good at sales
•I don’t know anyone.
•I can get it cheaper on ebay.
•My budget is really tight right now and I can’t have any extra expenses.
In general the excuses fall into 4 main categories. Money, Time, Taste and the fear of the unknown. I said no several times. I used many of the excuses above. I lived a life of NO either because of money or time. I got so used to saying no that I didn’t know how to take a leap and say YES.

Money excuses:
I encourage you to sign up for a free service called mint.com. Energy in all of your information and start tracking your spending and income. I guarantee you that you can find. $4.00 a day for your health. You are worth $4.00 a day aren’t you? I was afraid to spend $120 on Insanity 2 years ago. Now I laugh. The value I’ve received from it has paid for itself thousands of times. It is not what it costs to buy it. It is what it costs you to NOT get started today. Take the leap. Go for it. At the very least as a coach you get 25% off of everything you buy. Who doesn’t love a discount?

Time excuses:
I was the queen of time excuses. We all have the same 24 hours in our day. It is up to you how to use them. It never fails how I hear the time excuse and see that person posting on facebook about the movies they saw over the weekend, the restaurants they visited, the TV shows they watch or the games they play online. Don’t spend your time on things that will not make you a better person. I chose to spend my days helping others. The more I give, the more I receive. It is the natural law. If you are busy now , when will that change for you? When you retire? When will you have time to be with your kids? When will you have time to travel? What is your plan?

There are a handful of people who complain about the taste of Shakeology. Let’s be honest. It is not a milk shake. It not artificially flavored with junk. It is not artificially colored. It is a superfood shake you couldn’t make yourself if you tried. Some of the ingredients are from far off lands. Everyone I have ever talked to that made Shakeology a regular part of their daily diet has improved everything about their health. Weight, cholesterol, insulin levels, blood pressure, digestion, cravings, joint pain and more. The first few weeks I forgot to drink it every day. I wasn’t used to it. Then as I got used to it I don’t want to miss it. I love the way it makes me feel. I say give it a good try for 30 days. You have a 30 day money back guarantee. One taste, one time is not going to convince you. It is something you should drink over time and watch the benefits unfold. I’m a walking billboard of this as are many members of my family.

The unknown:
So many people just say NO upfront without even hearing one word. They assume way too much and don’t give it a chance. The workouts work! Shakeology works! The accountability works! The team support works! It is not a scam. Beachbody has an A+ rating with the BBB for a reason. Compare other network marketing companies and you will not find the same. Don’t say no to an opportunity without really listening. Don’t assume you know what it is. When someone invites you to listen to a call, video, webinar or to an event it is NOT to make a sale. The reason coaches want to share with you is to change your life the way theirs was changed. Better health, more wealth, elevated peer group, happier life and more.

Does it mean you are a bad person if you just don’t want to be a Team Beachbody coach? NO! Make sure you know the facts before saying no. It is not about sales. I’m not a salesperson at all. In fact, most of the coaches you meet said the same thing about their view of sales. If you truly have the happiest life and have zero room for improvment in any area then say no and don’t worry about it. If your life truly fulfills you in every way then don’t be a coach. But if there is something missing and you know you are meant for more in life then you MUST do it. It has opened my life in so many ways it is amazing.

So what is stopping you from saying yes? Why don’t you want a better body right now? Why don’t you want more money right now? Why don’t you want a better life right now?
Ask yourself that question. What is stopping you from saying YES if you really do want to improve?

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