Bring this to a pot luck for a culinary mic drop.
Thug Kitchen is an awesome cookbook. A friend turned me on to in in 2014 and I blew it off. I wasn't ready to eat Vegan and give up meat. I'm still not really ready to commit to that. However, I am ready to feel better. We recently completed a 3 week cleanse and the last 2 weeks you are basically vegan. I love the way my body feels when I have less sugar and less meat. I committed to eating fewer meals with meat. Last night we made our first recipe Continue Reading >
Tag Archives: healthy eating
Serves 4 (1 cup each)
Gluten Free, Vegetarian
21 Day Fix Containers 2 1/2 greens 1 purple 1 teaspoon
Total Fat 7 g Saturated Fat 3g Cholesterol 10mg Sodium 590mg Carbs 22g Sugars 18g Fiber 5g Protein 10g
3 Cups Grandma's Tomato Sauce (recipe in Fixate Cookbook) Or substitute a very low sugar/low sodium spaghetti sauce
1 cup low sodium organic vegetable broth
1/2 cup reduced fat (2%) plain Greek yogurt
4 tsp shredded Parmesan Continue Reading >
I have shocking news. Big, huge news. Are you ready?
The way to be healthy and maintain a healthy weight is to EAT HEALTHY AND EXERCISE.
Isn't that shocking?
I've been a coach helping others since late 2010. Being healthy takes time. Being healthy may also cost money. Sometimes a lot of both. Would you rather pay $100 a month to be healthy than to pay $6000 to get healthy when you are sick? Would you rather be able to play with your kids and grandkids or would you rather have double Continue Reading >
Tips on Healthy Eating
May 30th 2015
Tips on eating healthy.
1) Eat whole foods: Eat a banana over a bag of chips. No one ever ate 2 or 3 bananas in a row. How many times have you eaten a bag of chips or a bucket of popcorn? Focus on whole foods.
2) Avoid processed foods: Your body rarely will receive the nutrients it needs from a processed food. How many times have you returned to the pantry after eating a bag of chips to look for something else? Focus on foods with fewer chemicals, dyes, and ingredients. You will feel better. Continue Reading >
Health Fads
January 27th 2015
How many health fads have you tried? How many are you still following and you don't realize it is a fad? Let me tell you the TRUTH now. There isn't a special secret to help you to be healthy and be at your optimal weight. Being healthy is a compound effect.
Healthy choices repeated over time = healthy.
Unhealthy choices repeated over time = unhealthy.
Healthy Habits:
Eating whole foods (fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, healthy fats)
Moving your body and sweating daily
Keeping Continue Reading >
Mediterranean Beets with Collard Greens & Millet
August 17th 2013
Mediterranean Roasted Beets with Coconut Collard Greens & Toasted Millet
This is one of our favorite recipes from the 21 day Ultimate Reset. Easy to prep, the organic beets are usually less than $3 a bunch and you can eat them cold on a salad or warm. Beets have amazing health properties too. You can google it but one of the main benefits is to the colon and helping to guard against colon cancer. You can serve the beets with anything and even add beef if you want. Beets with collard greens and millet Continue Reading >